The three Pallid bat pictures below were taken with my old digital camera in very low lighting.  They are a bit blurry, as that camera had a tough time with close-ups.

A Pallid bat taking a break.

Girlfriends!  (For some reason, I always think of these bats as
being female.  Some of them have got to be male, obviously.)

As I was trying to get a shot, one bat started moving.  I thought
she was going to crawl over the rafter to be on the other side
with her friend, but I discovered the true reason for the shift
in position when she rather rudely urinated all over me.

I have no idea what was going on here. Kinda blurry. Sorry.

This is a Greater Long-fingered bat (I think) who lives in South Africa. 
Gernot, the gliders' godfather, photographed her after his cat brought her in.  
Fortunately, she was unharmed and could be released.